Dr.Kunakon Pornapirat
Period of study: 2005-2007 Current job: CEO, Foodstubs Inc. New Jersey, USA AIT experience: My experience in the Industrial Systems Engineering was tremendous. I found the course curriculum to be very challenging but rewarding. My… Read more “Dr.Kunakon Pornapirat”
Dr. Karthik Laxman
Period of study at AIT: 2009 – 2011 (2011-1012 – Research Assistant at CoEN) Current Job: Co-Founder & CEO of Stockholm Water Technology AB, Sweden How does your experience at AIT benefit your current… Read more “Dr. Karthik Laxman”
Dr.Narong Aphiratsakun
Study at AIT : D.Eng (Mechatronics) August 2005 – May 2010 Current Job: Vincent Mary School of Engineering, Assumption University, Thailand. Position: Dean How does your experience at AIT benefit your current job? The professors… Read more “Dr.Narong Aphiratsakun”